Santa Rosa portable toilets

Advice For Scouting Portable Toilet Placement

Whether you are hosting a wedding, an outdoor concert, or another event that has a lot of people outside for a long period of time, you may need Santa Rosa portable toilets. While that much is obvious, it’s much harder to decide how many you need and where you should place them. Here are a few pieces of advice from a portable toilet company to help you figure out where the toilets should go:

Look For The Level

The biggest thing you need to watch for when you are placing portable toilets is level ground. You don’t want the portable toilets to be sitting on an incline where they could tip over. The ground under the portable toilet has to be level.

Watch For Dry Spots

Take a look at your location after a rain and see if there are any spots that remain drier than the rest. You want the VIP portable toilets to have the driest locations so they don’t sink into the mud, causing them to be unlevel and unsafe.

Consider Your Services

If you are having a wedding in a certain outdoor location, but you are not serving drinks until the reception later at a different location, you won’t need as many units as you would if you are having the reception on the grounds with a full meal and plenty of drinks. What you serve during your event will be a big deciding factor in how many toilets you will need and where you will put them.

Remember Space Limitations

Space is always going to be limited and you want your toilets in a convenient location that doesn’t take over the ambiance or the space you have in mind for your event. Consider putting the portable toilets on the outskirts, but still close by for those in need.

Have The Portable Toilet Company Decide

While you might have some basic ideas in mind, the technicians from the portable toilet company work with locations on a regular basis. They know just the right places to put the portable toilets, not only to keep your guests in mind, but also for the toilets themselves. Invite them to your location to check things out so they can place the toilets just right when they arrive.

These are a few tips to help you figure out just where to place your Napa, CA portable toilet rentals in  for your event. There are many different portable toilet options to consider as well. For high-end events, like weddings, you might want to go with a flushable model, for example, while standard units work well for concerts and other regular events. To get all of the details in order, contact the professionals at American Sanitation Inc by calling (707) 554-8258. We can discuss your specific situation, event, and location and figure out what will serve your needs the best. You can stop by and see different models and options at 1729 Action Avenue, Napa, CA 94559 where we can finalize the details and get everything in order.