septic tank pumping in Novato, CA

Signs You Need Septic Tank Pumping Now

Homes that aren’t connected to a city sewer system will need a septic tank, and those homes will also need septic tank pumping from time to time. No matter how good you are to your system, it’s going to fill up and you are going to have to have it pumped out. The question is, when will you need that? It’s best to have a safe property with regular septic pumping to keep things sanitary. Here are a few signs from the septic tank pumping Napa experts that will give you an idea that you need that pumping done on your home’s septic system.

Sign 1: Foul Odors

One indication that the septic tank is full is that you will start to smell foul odors. You might smell it around the tank in the back yard, or you might even smell it in your bathroom, as if it’s coming back in through the toilet instead of going away once the air clears. Those odors are a warning sign that things are getting too full and you are starting to be in danger of things backing up into your house. That starts with the odor and gets worse from there.

Sign 2: Sewage Backup

If you see your toilet backing up, even a little bit, that often means that the septic tank is full. You need to get pumping done right away so you don’t have more back up, which can cause extensive damage. Plus, no one wants waste backing up into the house, that’s for sure. So the moment even a little bit backs up, you need to have it addressed right away.

Sign 3: Slow Drains

If you find yourself standing in water when you are showering because the water is draining too slowly, or the sink backs up with water when you wash your hands, that could mean that the tank is getting too full and the water has nowhere to go. Get the septic system checked out and be prepared for septic tank pumping to be something that needs to get done soon.

Sign 4: Flushing Issues

If your toilet gurgles or has issues when it is flushed, your septic tank might be filling up and it’s important to get the tank pumped out before the issue gets worse than some noise during the flushing.

septic tank pumping in Novato, CA

Sign 5: Pooling Water Outside

If you see that the septic area has water pooling in it, you may want to get the tank pumped out. The water may not have anywhere to go since the tank is full so it simply pools in the grass. That’s not something you want to have happen for very long.

When you have a septic system, it can run well for a long time, but it will need septic tank pumping at some point or another. You might want to have it done on a regular basis or, otherwise, watch for the above signs that things are filling up fast. If you have questions about septic tank pumping service, the professionals at American Sanitation Inc are here to help you with maintenance and prevention.