Category Archives: Septic Tanks

septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA

Installing A Septic System

When you move to a property, perhaps outside of city limits and beyond city water and sewage’s reach, you might have to install a septic system. You are going to have to learn the ropes, understand how to maintain the system, and get septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA done on a regular basis. But before you worry about any of that, here are some of the tests and steps you will need to take to get the installation done in the first place.

Have Tests Done

Your property is unique and the professionals are going to have to come out and do some soil tests and other such things. They will want to put the septic system in the right location and that takes some testing and investigating. Make sure you allow for proper amounts of time so you can ensure the septic system installation can be done in a timely manner.

Obtain The Proper Permits

When you put a septic tank onto your property, you are likely going to need permits. The company you are working with on the job can help you obtain and fill out the paperwork so you can get the permits you need to move forward. You should not have the septic system installed until you are able to secure those permits so you can move ahead legally without recourse in the future.

Go Through The Design Process

The professionals are going to have to design the septic system for your property. Where will the tank lie? How large will it be? How will it connect to your house? And so on. This process takes a little time and you are going to want to make sure you have experienced, reputable professionals working on it so you have peace of mind that everything will work out to your advantage as you move forward with the process.

Have The Installation Done

After you have the permits and design in order, you can have the installation done. Make sure you have professionals on the job for this part of the process as well. It might feel like the last step, but it’s one of the most important ones that you will go through. Improper installation can lead to a whole host of issues later on so it’s best to make sure things are done right upfront.

septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA

Get Maintenance Recommendations

Once the septic tank is installed, you are going to want to have some discussions with the professionals about maintenance. There are certain things you need to do for a septic system in order to keep it healthy and working well for your family. You can’t put certain things down the drain that you might be used to using, for example, and you are going to need to run regular maintenance.

One thing that will have to be done every 5 years (or more often) is septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA, even if you treat the septic system well and follow all of the rules in the in between times.

septic tank pumping in Novato, CA

Septic Tank Mis-Truths

Not everyone has grown up with a septic tank and when you move into a house that has one, there are certain things you might think about them that just aren’t true. All septic tank systems are going to need septic tank pumping in Novato, CA, for example, and that’s a truth that will always be the case. Here are a few mistruths you will want to watch out for as you care for your septic tank over the years.

Septic Tanks Take Care Of Themselves

You won’t have to do all that much for your septic tank over the years, but it isn’t something that completely cares for itself, either. You are going to want to make sure you treat it right. You won’t flush things you shouldn’t and you don’t want to use way too much water at once, either. Plus, septic tanks are going to fill up, no matter how well you treat them, and septic tank pumping is necessary every few years.

Household Cleaners Are Harmless To The Tanks

It’s normal for homeowners to use things like bleach, anti-bacterial soap, and other such things. But when you have a septic tank, those products can be harmful to the system. They can kill off bacteria and that bacteria has a job to do in the septic tank. If there aren’t enough bacteria, the tank will fill up a lot faster and that can cause you to have to pump the tank out a lot more often. Keep those bacteria thriving and that can help the system to run better as a whole over the years.

Septic Tanks Can Handle Endless Water

There are plenty of things a septic tank can handle, but you are going to want to ensure you don’t use a ton of water all at once, or it won’t have time to filter through to the tank in the right manner. Don’t do laundry while you take a shower, for example, and space out your water usage throughout the day and even throughout the week.

septic tank pumping in Novato, CA

You Can Put Anything Down The Drain And The Tank Will Take It

It’s easy to dump things down the drain, but you can’t put anything down there that you want to if you have a septic system. You don’t want to place oil down the drain, for example, or anything else that won’t break down. Those things will gum up the pipes and make the tank fill up faster, which will cost you more on pumping fees as the years go by.

If you are trying to figure out what you want to do with your home, learn the truth about the septic tank and that can help you to move in the right direction as you adjust the way you live around the septic tank pumping in Novato, CA and other things that can become a part of your life as you live and enjoy your home. Teach the family those truths as well and it can help everyone get along well with the septic system.

septic tank pumping in Petaluma, CA

Septic Tank Mistakes—Avoid Doing These Things

If you have a septic tank that serves your home, there are certain things you are going to have to do to maintain it over the years, like getting septic tank pumping in Petaluma, CA from time to time. If you don’t have that much experience with septic tanks you could very well make mistakes on its care over the years. Here are some things you are going to want to avoid doing in order to keep the septic tank in good working order long-term.

-Flushing The Wrong Items

You should make a commitment to only flush waste and toilet paper. When you flush anything else, even flushable wipes or other things you think you should be able to flush, it can cause issues in the system as a whole. These things might clog the pipes, or they might simply not break down in the tank, causing it to fill up faster than it should. Flushing the wrong items is a bad habit that should be broken right away.

-Doing Tons Of Laundry/Dishes/Showers At Once

Perhaps in a different home, you can do laundry, take a shower, and run the dishwasher all at once, but not with a septic system. Instead, you are going to need to space out the way you use things so the septic system has time to process the water. It can get overwhelmed when you use too much at a time. Do your best to space things out. Shower in the morning and do the dishes at night and so on.

-Using Chemicals On The Drains

It’s also common to use things like bleach in cleaning as well as antibacterial soaps, but you can’t do that with a septic system. Anything that kills off bacteria is something you shouldn’t use in your home. These chemicals can take the bacteria levels in the tank down, and those bacteria are the things that eat away at the waste that goes into the tank. If their levels get too low, that can fill the tank up quickly.

septic tank pumping in Petaluma, CA

-Not Getting Septic Tank Pumping Regularly

Any septic tank is going to fill up eventually, even if you do everything right. You are going to need to get the septic tank pumped out at least every five years, if not more often. If you don’t get it pumped out regularly, things are going to back up into your house that you would rather not have in the home. Have professionals inspect your tank every few years to keep advised of how often you are going to need to pump things out to keep everything working well.

If you have never had a septic tank before, you are going to want to know the details on how to treat the system and what septic tank pumping in Petaluma, CA can do for you. The experts are there to give you advice whenever you need it. And they can offer pumping and inspections are regular intervals in the future as well.

septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA

Safeguarding Septic Tank Health To Help Avoid Pumping

Septic tanks are efficient and straightforward. They are necessary for people who are in the country or not on city water systems for any other reason. But they are also sensitive to damage and need to have septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA done every 3-5 years. Regular maintenance and care can help you to avoid having to have the tank pumped out more often than is average.

How The Septic Tank Works

Liquid is going to enter into the septic tank from lots of different sources in your home. It comes from the sink, bathtub, toilets, washing machine, dishwasher, and so on. The tank has bacteria within it along with organic matter and it will break items down and put them back out into the environment. In order for things to work properly, it’s important for you to safeguard the way things operate.

What Not To Put In The Tank

There are some things that you should not put into your septic tank in order to protect the ecosystem that is operating within that tank. It’s easy enough to forget what you can and cannot put down the drain. For the toilet, it’s a good idea to have the rule of flushing only waste and toilet paper—nothing else. That means no flushable wipes, paper towels, facial tissues, or anything else you think would be reasonable to flush. Keeping the rule of just toilet paper and waste will help prevent clogs and will help prevent the tank from filling up faster than average.

In the kitchen, there are certain things that you don’t want to put down the sink, either. For example, grease or oil is something that can harden in the pipes. You will want to catch fats and frying oils and not allow them down the drain. Cool them and throw them away instead.

Another thing you are going to want to be careful about is bleach and other antibacterial items. Anything that will kill of bacteria is something you are going to want to keep out of your house. Don’t get toilet cleaner with bleach, for example, or hand soap with anti-bacteria in it. Those things are going to break down the bacteria in the tank, which are the elements that break down the waste in there. The tank will fill up and you will have to pump it out more regularly.

septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA

If you have any question as to what you might do to safeguard your septic system and tank as best you can, the professionals are there to help. They can give you advice by phone or come out and do an inspection and assessment to ensure there aren’t any repairs necessary. You might also need septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA and the professionals are there to help you figure out when that needs to be done and how often based on the tank size, your usage, your family size, and other such things. Contact the pros at any time for help.

septic tank pumping in Novato, CA

Where Is Your Septic Tank?

Any homeowner with a septic system is going to want to go through septic tank pumping in Novato, CA every 3-5 years. That will help to maintain the system and prevent expensive backups and huge messes. But it is always a good idea for any homeowner to understand where their septic system is located so they can spot leaks or flooding along with other issues that need to be addressed. Here are a few ways to help you to locate the septic tank and watch out for those things.

Locate The Sewer Line

Your main sewer line is going to be located in your basement or crawl space. IT’s about 4” around and is made from either PVC pipe or cast iron. The pipe will exit your home and go outside, so you can walk around the home and see where it comes out. Drain pipes are usually straight lines so you might be able to find the septic tank by tracing the system straight from the drain pipe to the tank. You may be able to see a divot or hill or patch areas in the yard that will indicate where the septic tank is. It may also smell a bit. The tank could have one or two lids, which you can find with a probe.

Utilize A Soil Probe

Any probing object like a piece of rebar can be pushed into the yard, but not too hard. You don’t want to damage any septic tank or lid areas. Tap the probe into the ground to search for the tank. They are generally buried four feet deep and the lid will have to be uncovered with a shovel.

Watch For Clues

There are many clues that can help you to find the septic tank, like public records. The septic permit may be on file somewhere as well and you could find it with that. Neighbors might also know as their systems might be similar to yours.

Mark The Spot

Once you have the septic tank located, you may want to mark the spot so you don’t have to rely on your memory as much. Put a lawn ornament there to keep the lawn looking nice buy to mark the spot. You can also measure from your home to the septic tank and write that down somewhere.

septic tank pumping in Novato, CA

Get Help From Professionals

If you can’t figure out where the tank is yourself, the professionals are always there to help you. As mentioned, you are going to need to have your system pumped out ever 3-5 years. You can also have regular inspections done between to make sure everything is running properly. You don’t want the system to go unmaintained and to maintain it, you need to know where the tank is. The professionals are happy to locate the system and let you in on where it is whenever you need those details.

If you need advice, or are ready for septic tank pumping in Novato, CA, contact the professionals and they can help you with anything pertaining to your septic system. They want things to stay in good working order so you don’t have any large messes to deal with within your home.

septic tank pumping in Petaluma, CA

Is Your Home In Need Of Septic Tank Pumping?

There are lots of things you are going to want to know about your septic system so you can treat it well and maintain it right without a lot of emergency visits from the professionals. You will want to know what you can put down the drain and what you should avoid, what you can and cannot flush, and so on. You will also need to know how to tell when your system needs septic tank pumping in Petaluma, CA. Here are some of the signs that this process is something you might want to have done rather soon.

The Drains Are Running Slow

When the drains are running slow, it could mean that you have a clogged pipe. But it could also mean that your septic tank is getting rather filled up and needs to be pumped out. When the tank is getting full, things aren’t going to flow into the tank as easily, which means the sinks and drains might run slower than you are used to. This is a warning sign. Things are only going to get worse from here until you have a full back up into your home. Address the issue sooner rather than later.

The Yard Stinks

You spend enough time around your house to know what’s normal and what’s out of sorts. When you notice an odd smell coming from the yard, that’s not a good sign. There’s a certain way of the septic tank operating and when it is letting too much into the yard too fast without giving it a chance to soak in, that’s because it is getting too full and is allowing things out that perhaps shouldn’t be.

The Grass Is Getting a Little Too Green

You want your yard to have nice, green grass, but if there are certain portions of the yard that are overly green, it could be because the septic tank is getting too full. If there are mushy parts in the yard, that’s a bad sign as well. You want the tank to operate well, but when it lets too much out, that’s a sign that it’s filling up too quickly.

septic tank pumping in Petaluma, CA

The Plumbing Backs Up

The worst sign you could get within your home is when the plumbing backs up completely and things that are supposed to go down actually start to come up instead. This can be a real mess and it’s something you want to avoid, if at all possible. If you do have a back up, have the professionals come out and pump out the septic tank right away.

To avoid these signs, you should have regular inspections and septic tank pumping in Petaluma, CA done so you don’t have to worry about the bad results that could occur from an overly full tank. Most tanks have to be pumped out every other year, but you should never go more than 5 years between pumpings. Talk to the professionals to set up a schedule for your home.

septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA

What Do You Need From Septic Tank Professionals?

No matter how good you are to your septic system, you are going to need septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA at some point or another. These products need to be cleaned out once at least every five years, if not more often, depending on how much you use the system. Whether you need septic tank pumping, maintenance, a check-up, advice, or something else, you are going to want certain things from the professionals you call to your home. Here are some of those things.

Prompt Service/Replies

If you need help from a septic tank professional, you are likely going to want them to come out sooner rather than later—especially if you are dealing with a back up or another emergency situation. You will want the professionals to give you service in a prompt manner. If you simply have a question, you should also get a prompt reply from them. The customer service will be important to how happy you are with the way they do business.


Septic tanks aren’t something that just anyone knows a lot about. You may be one such person who really doesn’t know anything about them, and that’s okay. You are going to want septic tank professionals who know everything there is to know about these systems—and has a lot of experience with them. They likely won’t find something they’ve never seen before because they’ve seen it all—and they know just what to do with any situation.

Licensing And Insurance

This sounds simple, but you definitely want to check into the companies and make sure they are properly licensed and insured. This is a huge deal because if something goes wrong and they aren’t, the costs are going to be on you. And those costs can be rather large.

Good Prices

Whenever you have to have something done to the septic tank, it can be a costly ordeal. You are going to want to make sure the costs the professionals charge are fair and affordable. Take a look at the market prices and make sure the prices are within the average range.

septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA

It’s not everyday you need septic tank professionals and when that need does arrive, where can you find good ones? Most people are going to go to their computers to look up information, and that’s never a bad place to start. You can look into their websites and outside reviews as well. You can find out about their pricing and plenty of other details. After some phone calls and customer service testing, you can move forward with the company that means the most to you.

If you are ready to get septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA done for your home, the professionals are there to help you check in on what your system is like and what it needs moving forward. You don’t have to know much about your septic tank since there are professionals that know all of the details that are necessary to take care of the system.

septic tank pumping in Novato, CA

Septic Tank Pumping And Mainline Inspections

No homeowner really wants to have to deal with issues when it comes to their septic tank or mainline plumbing in their home, right? And that’s why it’s important to have inspections, regular maintenance, and septic tank pumping in Novato, CA done on a regular basis. When you have those professionals come to your home, what are they doing? What are they looking for? And how will it help your home?

What Goes Down The Drain

If you have any slow drains, or perhaps as part of the inspection, the professionals may use a snake or another item, which could allow them to see down the pipe to see if there’s anything blocking things up. They may be able to tell that someone in your house is putting something down the drain that they shouldn’t. If someone is flushing baby wipes, that might show up. If someone used paper towels instead of toilet paper, that could get clogged up, too. What goes down the drain is important and they will be able to tell you if there’s something in the pipes that shouldn’t be. While they are there, you can ask for tips as to what you shouldn’t put down there because it could cause clogs.

How Full The Tank Is

Another thing the professionals will likely do is check the septic tank and see how full it is. They will want to know where the levels are so they can predict when you need septic tank pumping. If they come out regularly, like annually, to check things over, they will know how fast things are filling up and when you need to have that service done. Keeping close track of the levels can help you predict how many years you can go between pumpings. Most professionals recommend never waiting more than 5 years for that service.

What The Properties Are Inside The Tank

Another thing the experts might do is take a sample from the tank so they can test the properties in it and make sure the ecosystem is doing well. If something has gotten into the tank, like bleach, for example, and has killed off the good bacteria that are eating away at the waste, that could be a problem for your system down the road.

septic tank pumping in Novato, CA

Signs Of Leaks

You would want to know if there were any leaks in your septic system, either in the tank or along the mainline. That can cause issues with efficiency, the processing, and even mushiness in the yard. The professionals will take inventory of any leaks and make sure you know what you should do about them.

When you are trying to figure out what you want to do with your septic tank in terms of maintenance, or if you need a septic tank pumping in Novato, CA, the professionals are happy to come out for an inspection and maintenance check at any time. It’s better to keep on top of maintenance than to let things slide and have an emergency arise in the future.

septic tank pumping in Petaluma, CA

4 Ways To Avoid Emergency Septic Tank Pumping

There’s nothing worse than unexpected issues in your home that cause sewage backup into the house. It’s messy, expensive to clean up, and can cause a multitude of issues. It’s never convenient. As a homeowner, you may not think about your septic tank very often, and that’s okay. However, you can prevent emergency septic tank pumping in Petaluma, CA to become a necessity by following a few basic rules. Here they are:

1-Take Care With What You Flush

Your toilet, especially when it is connected to a septic tank, is really only meant for toilet paper and waste. You should never flush makeup wipes, paper towels, facial tissues, napkins, or anything else. These items don’t break down properly in the septic system and they can even get stuck in the pipes, causing build up and back ups. If you are careful about what you flush, you can prevent emergency tank pumping.

2-Avoid Overuse Of The Garbage Disposal

Things are going to go down the sink drain, but you need to be careful when using that appliance if you are attached to a septic tank. You aren’t going to want to peel an orange or carrot into the sink, for example, and allow those bits to go down. Anything solid can clog the pipes and cause wastewater to back up. There are also liquids that are a bad idea to put down the drain, too. Any grease or cooking oils can harden inside the pipes, leaving less room for other items to go down.

3-Never Use Anti-Bacteria Items

Everything comes in an anti-bacteria format today, it seems, as people are very sensitive about germs. However, you aren’t going to want to use detergents and soaps with anti-bacteria properties. You also don’t want to use things like bleach that kill all germs. When these things get into your septic system, they kill off the good bacteria, which is what eats away at the waste in that system. If there’s nothing to break things down, the tank will fill up and cause you to need a pumping sooner rather than later.

4-Regular Maintenance/Scheduled Pumpings

Another way to prevent emergency situations with your septic system is to schedule regular maintenance with the septic tank professionals and pumpings every so often. The professionals can tell you when you are due for a p umping, but in general, you don’t want to go more than 5 years without having it done. For a larger family, or a house with a smaller tank, you might need it done more often.

septic tank pumping in Petaluma, CA

No one wants to have any kind of emergency backup when it comes to their septic system. If you have more questions as to how you can avoid that, or you want to have a professional come out for an inspection and maintenance, you can give them a call at any time. You can also check into septic tank pumping in Petaluma, CA when you feel your home might be due for that service in the future.

septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA

Septic Tank Pumping And Drainage Field Issues

If you have a septic tank, that means you are going to need septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA from time to time. This process is something that has to be done every few years. The frequency of the pumping depends on how much water you use, how many people you have in your home, and how well you treat the septic system as a whole. You might have drainage field issues over the years and that can indicate that there’s a problem with the tank or that you have septic tank pumping needs. Here are a few things to watch for over your hears of operating the septic tank.

Water In The Sinks

If you have water in your sinks, whether it comes up on its own, or drains too slowly when you use it, that can be an issue of a tank getting too filled up or something going on with the drainage field. Water is supposed to drain away and it shouldn’t be sitting around in the sink. That will help you to know when to contact the professionals.

Unpleasant Smells Outside

The drain field is a part of your home’s life, but you shouldn’t be bothered by it. However, if you notice foul smells coming from the area around the septic tank, that means there’s an issue that you might want to address. It could mean that the tank is filled too much and things aren’t being broken down before they are released. There could be a leak in the tank itself, too. Get things checked out because no one wants to live with those scents.

Wet Patches On The Lawn

Your lawn is going to have wet patches after a hard rain as it likely isn’t completely level. Some places will stay wet longer than others. But if it hasn’t rained for a while and you walk across the yard and feel a few mushy spots around the septic tank, that could mean something is amiss and you should have it looked into.

septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA

Have The Tank Pumped Regularly

If you want to avoid drain field issues, it’s a good idea to have your septic tank pumped out on a regular basis. Follow septic tank rules, like not flushing anything, not using anti-bacterial products, and not putting grease down the drains, among others, and that can help you to avoid issues with the drain field, and the septic tank as a whole. Even if you are good to the system and follow professional advice, you are going to want to pump things out every few years. On average, most homeowners can get away with pumping the tank out every three years or so.

If you want to get more details on septic tank pumping in Sonoma, CA, or if you are ready for advice on how you want to treat your septic tank, the professionals are here for you. They can help you with any septic tank need and they can take care of pumping and maintenance, too.